The cameras will be moved from place to place, with a focus on known fly-tipping hotspots, recording images that can be used to prosecute people who dump rubbish.
Fly-tipping includes dumping bags of waste or unwanted furniture out on the public footway, as well as the larger scale dumping of building materials etc.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, Lambeth Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, said: “Fly tipping is a blight on our streets and we are determined to tackle it.
“It not only ruins the environment and angers neighbouring residents, it costs the council a fortune to deal with. Some people might think it’s OK to put out an old mattress or the odd bag of rubbish – it’s not.
“Fly-tippers be warned – your behaviour will not be tolerated in Lambeth, we will catch you and we will prosecute you.”
The three additional cameras, that feed back into the council’s central CCTV system are able to cover a total of 36 different locations each year.
Fly-tipping can be punishable by a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates’ Court, or an unlimited fine and up to 5 years imprisonment if convicted in a Crown Court.
There are also a number of other possible penalties, including fixed penalty notices of between £150-£400 and seizing a vehicle and/or its contents because of suspected involvement in fly-tipping.
please tell me how to get one to the alleyway between eardley road and edgington road sw16
Please report any flytipping at http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/flytipping
This helps the team to identify flytipping hotspots where CCTV could be used.
That’s probably a more profitable business to deal with fly-tipping than noise complaints. #Answertoourneeds
Hurrah! We have a particular problem in Albert Square, opposite Regency Court (no. 37), where there are five large wheelie bins. Fly tipping here has been a menace for a long time. Our emails to councillors about this have all been ignored. Perhaps a PROMINENT NOTICE would be an additional deterrent. At the moment there is a very small notice loosely attached to a lamp post.
This is a very welcome initiative & one that residents have been pushing for for many years.
How do we get one of the new CCTVcameras allocated to our two local fly tipping hotspots, Meadow Place (SW81XZ) & 115 South Lambeth Road (SW81UZ)?