You will shortly receive your Golden Tickets and to be in with a chance of winning a cash prize, all you need to do is fill out your details on the tickets and place them along with your clean, dry recycling into your recycling sack or bin for collection. You can enter a ticket each time you fill a recycling sack or use your shared recycling bin. So the more you recycle, the more chance you have of winning!
Once your recycling arrives at WRWA’s Materials Recovery Facility in Wandsworth for sorting, all Golden Tickets found with the correct clean and dry materials will be entered into the draw.
The first draw will take place on Friday 30 October with further draws taking place up until March 2016.
For full details and terms and conditions, please visit the Western Riverside Waste Authority website at www.wrwa.gov.uk/goldenticket
Please note this scheme ended in March 2017.
We do our best to recycle as much as we can, but we have no where to store recycling until the weekly collection. We live in a second floor flat. We have (or are meant to have) daily refuse collections, and often see recycling collection vans drive past us – could we have more collections as we also live on CS5. We live on Harleyford Road.
Hi Darinda
Please contact our Refuse and Recycling team and they will be able to advise you.
I would love to be able to Recycle Right but I live on estate with communal recycling bins and we are not given individual recycling bags. More often than not, the communal recycling bins get filled with rubbish and then are deemed contaminated so nothing gets recycled. The policy for estate recycling needs updating to allow residents who are keen to recycle the opportunity to do so. I would happily take my recycling out once a week, as residents of houses do.
Hi Sarah, contamination can be a problem on estates and the team has been working to improve this. Please could you advise which estate you live on so I can find out more for you?