Meanwhile Space have converted the old temporary Waterloo library, with co-working desks, office space and retail units to boost local business. It will be known as Granby Space.
Waterloo library moved to the Oasis Centre in Kennington Road in July and the old building will host the creative working hub for around two years, until a longer term plan for the site is in place.
Cllr Jack Hopkins, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Business and Culture said: “It’s great to see this space being used to help small, independent businesses in the area.
“Meanwhile Space have a great record of innovative projects that really make the best use of spaces like this, working with them enables us to make sure that this prominent space continues to be used ahead of any long term redevelopment.
“I hope the businesses that start off here go on to be hugely successful and represent our borough around the world.”
Designed to support local start-ups and independent enterprise, Granby Space will harness the creativity, knowledge and entrepreneurial talent of local people and their growing businesses.
Granby Space will be run by Meanwhile Space, a pioneering social enterprise at the forefront of ‘meanwhile uses’. Lambeth Council is sponsoring the project, as part of a wider initiative to protect and grow supportive workspace hubs within the borough.
If_Do architects have designed the space which will provide:
- Co-working desks
- Small office units for 2-4 people
- New high street retail unit.
The deadline for applications for space is this Friday, 7 October. For more information and to apply for a space visit www.granbyspace.co.uk or contact rosie@meanwhilespace.com
About Meanwhile Space
Meanwhile Space CIC is the pioneering social enterprise at the forefront of ‘meanwhile uses’. As the market leader in Meanwhile uses since 2009, Meanwhile Space designs innovative Meanwhile® solutions to vacant commercial space, working across sectors to deliver Meanwhile projects and strategies, operate affordable workspace, and deliver longer term Meanwhile developments. The company first defined the term as the ‘intelligent use of unproductive empty buildings and underused land’ and outlined the benefits to communities, landlords and occupants as deliverers of the 2009-10 central government Meanwhile Project. For more information please visit the Meanwhile Space website.