Great Big Green Week, is set to be the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Across the week, communities and organisations up and down the country will be showcasing climate action and protection of green spaces before a major UN climate summit, known as COP26, hosted in Glasgow this November.
Those involved hope to pressure governments at home and abroad to raise ambition on plans to tackle climate change.
Thousands of events are happening ranging from concerts to community stalls at the heart of communities and Lambeth is no different. From churches and urban gardeners to green activists and local foodies, there’s something for everyone.
Myatt’s Field Park Project kicked the week off
Myatt’s Field Park Project kicked the week off this Saturday with a community fayre hosting stalls ran by zero waste shop, Pipoca, community groups such as and Friends of the Earth, Incredible Edible and Bee Urban. From the bandstand, guests listened to performances from Brixton Chamber Orchestra and the South London Jazz Orchestra and enjoyed free food from local Food Heroes.
Speaker’s Corner was a chance for everyone to understand how they can help protect, and engage with, the natural environment by listening to talks from City Girl in Nature, Myatt’s Field, Transition Town Brixton, the Remakery, Father Nature, Loughborough Junction Action Group as well as Lambeth Council climate change team.
What’s happening this week in Lambeth?
Here’s our breakdown of the week:
Monday 20 – 24 September
What? Parish Coffee Green Week. Call in at Parish Coffee at Ascension Church: The Swap Shop, Advocacy Booth, Prayer Stations – and Parish Refill.
When? throughout the week, 20th-24th Sept, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Where? Parish Coffee Ascension Church, Malwood Road, Balham, SW12 8EN
Who? Ascension Balham, Rev Tom Collins office@ascensionbalham.org
Thursday 23 September
What? Pop Farm Urban Gardening Learn how to grow flowers and food at Pop Farm, an urban garden in the heart of Brixton.
When? (Thursday) 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Where? Pop Brixton 49 Brixton Station Road, London, SW9 8PQ
Who? Contact info@urbangrowth.london for more information
What? Brixton Orchard Volunteer Session. Connect, Learn, Grow: Volunteer at the Brixton Orchard When? Thursday between 1pm – 2.30pm. All welcome!
Where? Brixton Orchard, Brixton Hill, Corner of Brixton Hill/St Matthews Road, London, SW2 5RW
Who? Contact Info@urbangrowth.london
What? Bat Night In The South London Botanical Institute’s Garden. Find out more about these flying mammals of over 1000 species and why they enjoy a great night out.
When? (Thursday) 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Where? South London Botanical Institute SE24 9AQ
Who? Dr Iain Boulton, Environmental Compliance Officer, Lambeth Landscapes Please book via our website www.slbi.org.uk or info@slbi.org.uk
What? Eco-Friendly Funerals Panel Event. Most traditional funerals have a large carbon footprint, so an eco-friendly funeral can be a powerful parting gift to the planet. As a progressive funeral directors, Poppy’s is bringing together a virtual expert panel for Great Big Green Week
When? (Thursday) 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where? is a virtual panel event, book here.
Who? Contact enquiries@poppysfunerals.co.uk
Saturday 25 September
What? Balham & Tooting Great Big Green Day. An Eco/Green Fair hosted and facilitated by a diverse mx of environmental community groups and local organisations with a Green/Eco focus from our local area. There will be range of stalls, family-friendly activities, discussion spaces, workshops, refreshments, arts, music, crafts and more.
When? (Saturday) 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where? Church of St Mary and St John the Divine, BalhamSW12 9BS
Who? Rev Berni Excell curate@stmarybalham.org.uk Church of St Mary and St John the Divine
Sunday 26 September
What? BIG GREEN DAY Join for a fun-packed day with guest speakers, creative workshops, useful advice, children’s activities and a bring-and-share lunch.
When? (Sunday) 11:00 am – 2:30 pm
Where? St Paul’s Churchyard & Eden Nature Garden Rectory Grove, London, SW4 0DZ
Who? For further details visit www.stpaulsclapham.org or contact us on 020 7622 2128. admin@stpaulsclapham.org
Want to organise your own event?
Add your event to the event map. Drop @lambeth_council a message on Twitter with your posts and we’ll share your events.