Have you spoken to your GP about your mental health in the last year? Tell Healthwatch Lambeth how it went and enter a £50 shop voucher prize draw
Healthwatch Lambeth, the independent organisation that gathers local people’s experiences of health and care services, wants know what it’s like for Lambeth residents to speak to their GP about mental health.
Your story
Maybe you were nervous about speaking to your GP in case they prescribed medication or you thought a 10 minute appointment wasn’t long enough to talk through your concerns?
Which is closer to your experience?
Stories told to Healthwatch heard so far range from good to bad.
‘My GP took the time to listen to me – she didn’t just allocate me 10 minutes. I was desperate when I went to her, I burst into tears and was inconsolable.’
‘I’ve been to the GP and talked about physical health, it must be obvious to them that emotionally I’m not well, but they don’t ask. They need to ask more questions’
Why are we asking?
Healthwatch Lambeth will use your anonymous stories to understand what helps people talk to their GP about mental health and wellbeing, and what needs to be improved. This information will be shared with Lambeth GP practices, the NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group (responsible for ‘buying in’ local health services) and other key mental health stakeholders, in order to improve people’s experiences.
How you can share your story
Text ‘GP’ (or call) to 07545211284 and they will call you back asap and ask you 10 short questions focused on the support you received. Your number will not be saved.
OR take part in their short online survey
The prize
The survey ends on November 30 2016.
Everyone who leaves their contact details will be entered into a £50 shop voucher prize draw. The winner will be announced at the end of November.