Join us to help shape Lambeth’s Cycle Network Strategy
On 16 March 2017 we are holding the very first Lambeth Healthy Streets Forum at the Karibu Centre, Brixton, SW9 7PH. The idea of the forum came out of a meeting I held with Lambeth Cyclists last year when it became clear there was a need for a more regular formal dialogue between everyone interested in walking and cycling in Lambeth.
The first meeting will be an opportunity for you to help shape the development of our Cycle Network Strategy. This purpose of the strategy is to further improve Lambeth for people cycling by assessing the existing road network (including cycle routes). It will then propose strategic and local improvements to make the borough safer and easier to navigate by cycle (for a more detailed overview see the attachment). The workshop will look at the work that has taken place so far and give you a chance to comment. Your feedback will help us develop proposals for new prioritised network interventions across the borough, to meet current and future demand.
The meeting will start at 7pm but doors open at 6pm and you are encouraged to come down early to have a look at the exhibition boards, talk informally to officers and our consultants about the proposals and – most importantly – have some food and refreshments.
Please register for this event at Eventbrite.