“My name is James and I was adopted, but, it doesn’t define me, it’s just part of my identity.
I have the same kind of relationship with my (adoptive) parents that most of my non-adopted friends have with theirs. I grew up with a sibling who wasn’t adopted – he is my parents’ biological son – and it was a great experience. Today we’re the best of friends and I’m godparent to his children – an honour I hope to repay when I become a father myself.
I was lucky. I was adopted within a year of being born to a young woman who didn’t have the capacity to care for me herself. Without a quick adoption I’d have ended up in long-term care, and services back in the 1970s were, I believe, a far cry from those offered by councils like Lambeth today. But no matter how good the services on offer for so-called “looked-after” children (i.e. those in local authority or other agency care), I believe that every child deserves to be brought up by loving parents. I firmly believe it’s the best solution for children who – for whatever reason – can’t be adequately cared for by birth parents.
I now want to become a father through adoption. How could I not? There are children here in Lambeth who are waiting for the kind of loving home I know I could provide. I’m lucky that my fiancé also wants to adopt with me. So, a new adoption journey for me is about to begin.
I’d also urge others to begin their own adoption journey. Here in Lambeth it’s a sad fact that there are large numbers of boys from black ethnic minority backgrounds who can wait years before being adopted. It breaks my heart. These are boys who have a whole lifetime ahead of them. Their potential is enormous, if given the right opportunities. Opportunities that, I believe, stem from being raised in a stable and loving home.”
You can find out more about adopting in Lambeth through the website or call 0300 222 5935 for an info pack.
Great article in the Guardian Family section last weekend about adoption in 3 generations of a family http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/mar/15/three-generations-adoption-daughter-britain
Well worth a read