Could you offer a young person a six-month paid work placement through Kickstart?
Lambeth Council and other local partners plan to participate in the Kickstart programme. This will provide paid work placements for 16-24 year olds and we’re keen to find as many placements with local employers as possible. Employers will receive funding to cover the cost of wages and support.
What is Kickstart?
Kickstart placements should be a minimum of 25 hours per week, last for six months and provide valuable experience and support for young people to start or progress in their career.
Employers who can offer 30 or more placements can submit a direct bid for Kickstart funding to the Government. We know most local employers won’t be able to offer such a high number of placements, so Lambeth Council is co-ordinating a bid for Lambeth employers with 1 to 29 placements to offer.
Word from the Cabinet
Councillor Jacqui Dyer, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety, said: “Young people in Lambeth have been severely affected by the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This will provide an opportunity for our young people to gain the skills, experience and confidence they will need to succeed in their future careers.”
“I encourage all local employers to consider whether they can offer even one placement within their organisation and demonstrate that Lambeth is a borough that cares about the future of our young people.”
How can I get involved?
- We’re inviting employers with the potential to offer a high quality, six month work placement(s) for young Lambeth residents to be a part of our bid to the Kickstart programme. We’re happy to work with employers from any sector – private, public or voluntary and community sector.
- We’ll be working locally to ensure there is support available to young people when applying for the placements, during their placement, and as they move on at the end of their placement.
- To register your interest in being a placement host and for more information on our Kickstart proposals, employers are asked to complete this expression of interest survey.
- If you have any questions about the Kickstart programme in Lambeth please email OpportunityLambeth@lambeth.gov.uk