A special thanks to all those who attended our events and continue to be part of our fight for cleaner air.
Every year, we celebrate National Clean Air Day with a week full of inspirational events to raise awareness of pollution issues and empower people to improve air quality in Lambeth. This year, most of the events were run online, and we had great attendance from residents, council staff and organisations alike.
What events took place?
Monday 5: We kicked off the week with the Monday Marathon, after its success in 2019. Our delivery partner Sustrans visited Telferscot Primary School virtually as an ‘Air Quality Expert’, live-streaming into the classroom. 60 young Air Quality Detectives were tasked with looking for clues around the classroom to help them fill in their discovery sheet. The pupils were working against the clock to achieve their mission of reporting back their discoveries.
Tuesday 6: For the second year in a row, we hosted a live Q&A session. For over 3 hours, we answered over 15 questions on air quality, climate change, sustainable transport and flooding. Didn’t submit a question, but want to find out about our work? Email sustainability@lambeth.gov.uk
Wednesday 7: Dr Bike set up shop in Windrush Square and serviced a total of 24 bikes, providing free repairs and advice to cyclists.
Thursday 8: To celebrate National Clean Air Day, we host a webinar chaired by Cllr Claire Holland, Cabinet Member for Environment and Clean Air. The webinar was attended by organisations that tackle clean air in Lambeth: Idling Action London, Cross River Partnership, Brixton BID, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Charity, the Green Doctors. Council officers discussed current projects in Lambeth to tackle air pollution and promote sustainable travel. The event was attended by 70 people and was a great opportunity to showcase our work and that of these amazing organisations and to answer questions about a topic we deeply care about, air quality.
Missed the webinar? Watch it now on YouTube.
Throughout the week
We celebrated air quality projects happening across Lambeth. Check out the incredible videos we recorded at Vauxhall City Farm and at Lambeth GP Food Co-op.
The charity Doorstep Library has also been reading environmentally-themed books to their Lambeth-based clients, so that children who don’t have access to books are able to engage with fiction and non-fiction to learn about environmental protection, climate change and air pollution.
Poster competition winner
Finally, we ran a competition for KS2 pupils in Lambeth’s primary schools, asking them to design a poster with their pledge to reduce air pollution. There was some excellent artwork, and brilliant and ambitious ideas, reassuring us of the next generation’s commitment to making a difference to air quality. Check out our winner and runners up posters.