Panel decisions
The decision making panel was chaired by the Mayor and consisting of independent community representatives considered over 80 nominations.
Ahead of the event, Mayor Anyanwu said: “Lambeth is a fantastic borough full of local heroes that champion our communities. Therefore, it is a wonderful honour for me as the mayor to host our Community Awards and recognise the extraordinary and amazing work done by residents of this borough who brighten and enhance the lives of our communities.
“Whether it’s helping young people get jobs, improving the environment or creating a sense of community; the work of these nominees really makes Lambeth a better place to be and we are all extremely grateful for that.
When will we find out the results?
Nominations are spread between seven different categories and all those shortlisted have been nominated by other members of the community. Carers, youth volunteers, community gardeners and local community champions are amongst those shortlisted for the awards.
The winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank on Tuesday 22 September. Look out for the winners here on 23 September. Congratulations to everyone on the shortlist!
About the shortlisted nominees
Andrea Swainson
Andrea provides dance classes for people with learning disabilities. The weekly dance classes are a chance for the attendees to improve their physical health and to build self-confidence. The group perform in a theatre once a year – which takes a good deal of organising, and they also perform at the Lambeth Country Show.
Dreenagh Lyle
Dreenagh has been an unpaid carer for her severely disabled daughter for nearly 40 years. She is a champion for disability rights and carer rights. She has studied for and gained a doctorate in caring for people with profound disabilities. Her skills and knowledge are invaluable as the council’s adult social care moves into a much closer working relationship with local health services.
Jim Gaffney
Three years ago Jim started a project of turning a communal garden into a space which could be enjoyed by over 100 families. He sacrificed massive amounts of his own time towards the project, and in the process he managed to unite his neighbours on the estate and reignite the community spirit.
Kathleen Staniford
Ten years ago Kathleen Staniford joined the Lambeth South Volunteer Police Cadets as a cadet leader, and has done a truly inspirational job. Her connections with the Latin community has helped with recruitment and the cadet force has grown from 30 cadets when she joined to having 122 cadets in three units today.
Marietta Krikhaar
Marietta has given a great deal of her time towards two important local issues – community safety through her role as Head of the Neighbourhood Watch, and open spaces through her membership of the Friends of Clapham Common. She champions the views of all users of the common, and works hard to ensure it receives proper management.
Matthew Bridge
Matthew works as a volunteer for Whippersnappers during the week, bringing children from local schools to their inclusive afterschool facility at Brockwell Lido. He has completed courses at Lambeth College and is a Prince’s Trust Award holder. On his weekends he helps at Rattray Road Play Street which is a local organisation providing safe play for local children, bringing communities together.
Polly Freeman
Polly is a founder and board member of the Friends of Vauxhall Park, which was established in 1999. She has been the organiser of the Vauxhall Park Summer Fair since 2004, and in charge since 2010, introducing such innovations as go-karts, donkey rides and more. Polly has also helped deliver a new playground and a vegetable box scheme.
Richard Keagon-Bull
Richard’s work has helped ensure those with learning disabilities are listened to and supported to live full and independent lives. He has a learning disability and is co-chair of the Lambeth Learning Disability Assembly and Chair of the Lambeth Forum. He represents Lambeth in two national charities – L’Arche’s National Speaking Group and Walsingham Support.
Rob Goacher
Rob is a resident of central Brixton, he provides support for vulnerable people, liaising on their behalf with the council, doctors and landlords. He helps with the shopping, and introduces them to each other so there is a mutual support network. Rob campaigns to keep the area clean, green and tidy.
Venus Caesar
Venus is a volunteer at Beale House, a project that offers support to people who have experienced mental health problems. She started with Beale House as a service user. They helped her through her own trauma and in return she began volunteering for them, managing their reception area. She used her own insight and experience to ensure people felt welcome and safe when they arrived
Wayne Trevor
Wayne volunteered at the West Norwood Feasts, ran a Trade School growing edible flowers, and has helped local residents with their gardens. For the past year Wayne has dedicated a vast amount of time on a new project called the West Norwood Bzz Garage. He approached the garage and got their permission to transform the space with attractive bee-friendly plants.
Voluntary or community organisation
Healthy Living Club
The Healthy Living Club is run by one paid facilitator and a group of fantastic volunteers. They hold a weekly club for people with dementia. The aim is to help the members remember who they are, and to ease the stresses felt by those caring for someone with dementia. The free service includes a nutritious two-course lunch, exercise classes, hairdressing and manicures, reminiscence sessions, music and poetry therapy and much more.
Indoamerican Refugee and Migrants (IRMO)
The IRMO has been supporting Latin Americans for over thirty years. Some of the key services it offers include translations, English classes, legal advice and support for families in finding their feet in the UK through the Latin American Family Project. One particular strength is their work for children waiting for a school place and those out of mainstream education.
Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG)
The LJAG aims to improve the environment of Loughborough Junction and the lives of people who live and work there, through various engagement strategies, projects and events. The group runs the Loughborough Farm and a community gardening project. LJAG also support the Loughborough Junction Business Association which hosted a successful Christmas market day.
Staying in touch