He was fined £400, ordered to pay council costs of £345 and a victims surcharge of £40. He was also ordered to pay the council compensation of £140, with the total sanction of £925 to be paid by January 3.
On January 30 this year at around 10pm Macauley was spotted by council CCTV operatives deliberately unloading a fridge from the back of a van and dumping it in Burton Road, Brixton. He then drove off. After an investigation by Environmental Enforcement the council identified the driver of the vehicle and contacted him.
The offence was referred the case to the courts when Macauley could provide no reasonable explanation for his actions.
Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth, and Clean Air said: “Flytipping is an unacceptable enviro-crime that represents a blight on communities and is totally unacceptable. There are clear and well-established ways to dispose of waste.
“We will not hesitate to act against the selfish and thoughtless individuals who decide to ignore these options and instead commit these offences.”
For more details on Lambeth Council’s bulky waste services visit lambeth.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/bulky-waste.