Lambeth’s Food Flagship programme will work with a host of partners including residents, schools, local food businesses, food-growing initiatives and charities to encourage a love for quality and nutritious food.
Lambeth Council has received £500,000 from the Mayor of London and the Department of Education to kick-start this promising and exciting programme that will transform the boroughs food environment.
The Food Flagship programme will coordinate and support the efforts of existing and new projects across Lambeth. This includes:
- Implementing the School Food Plan in all Lambeth schools, led by our lead Food Flagship Schools.
- Supporting food growing initiatives.
- Environmental education.
- The creation of new food enterprises that will trade fruit and vegetables in our most deprived areas.
- Delivering a variety of activities for children during the school holidays.
The programme aims to harvest the abundance of knowledge of food in our culturally rich communities. This is an opportunity for everyone to get involved in an effort to improve the provision of fresh, nutritious, accessible and affordable food in Lambeth that supports the long-term health and wellbeing of our residents.
To find out more about the Lambeth Food Flagship programme, email psesis@lambeth.gov.uk
Lambeth wins sustainable food award
Lambeth is one of the first areas in the UK to be awarded Sustainable Food City status, recognising the boroughs work in promoting healthy and sustainable food. The bronze Sustainable Food Cities Award was won by the Lambeth Food Partnership in celebration of their pioneering work promoting healthy and sustainable food.