The council’s work is currently focussed on supporting vulnerable residents through the coronavirus crisis, supporting stricken businesses, coordinating volunteers and adapting council services so they can be maintained in very challenging circumstances.
Easter holidays
However, up to 100 Lambeth Council staff, many of whom are volunteering, will be out over the Easter Holiday to support Met police efforts in the borough to remind people where necessary of their obligations. Good weather is predicted for much of the Bank Holiday weekend, but it remains crucial that the Government’s advice is followed: stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.
Parks and open spaces
The borough’s parks and open spaces will be a major focus, and posters have gone up across the borough to reinforce the messages around how to keep safe at this time. There will also be reminders sprayed on the paths and friendly verbal reminders to people where necessary.
Word from cabinet
Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth Council leader, said: “The council is working incredibly hard to tackle this unprecedented crisis. It is having a dramatic impact on every aspect of life, and we are determined to help the old and the vulnerable who face the biggest challenges at this time.
“London boroughs are also working hard with partners to keep our parks open for daily exercise because of the huge benefits they have for health and wellbeing. To help us do this and limit the spread of coronavirus, people have got to do their bit.
“We’re urging people to stay as local as possible, avoid gathering in groups and keep at least two metres apart from others. Only use your local park once a day to walk, run or cycle.”
London’s Parks
While councils across London, including Lambeth, are doing everything we can to keep London’s parks open for exercise, some people are still putting lives at risk by ignoring the clear guidance on coronavirus.
Word from cabinet
Cllr Hopkins said: “The advice is clear: only go out once a day for exercise, medical reasons, or for essential food shopping. Stay as local as possible, avoid gathering in groups and keep at least two metres apart from others. Only use your local park once a day to walk, run or cycle.”
More information
For more information visit the Lambeth website
Read the article on Love Lambeth – Support for Lambeth resident