Homes for Lambeth (HfL) has also increased the overall number of homes in its programme to almost 5,000, of which over 2,000 will be affordable, according to a report to be discussed by the council’s Cabinet on Monday.
An update on the progress of the “Joint Delivery Plan” (JDP), shows that HfL has continued to deliver against its objectives, with the completion of 80 new homes over the last year.
But the company, wholly-owned by Lambeth Council, expects to deliver 194 homes over its three-year business plan period, up to March 2023 – and it plans to build a total of 878 new homes over the five years up to 2025. A combination of factors, including the impact of COVID-19 on staff and contractors, has resulted in a reduction in the total number forecast over this period.
However, the percentage of council level rent homes to be delivered over the three and five-year period is now higher than had been envisaged in the JDP in March 2021. The overall number of homes in HfL’s programme has been increased to 4,938, of which 2,075 will be affordable. Of these, a minimum of 1,312 homes are proposed to be delivered at council level rent.
The council set up HfL to build and manage homes on council land for local families, in the face of a deepening housing crisis in Lambeth. There are currently over 38,000 households on the council’s waiting list for social housing and over 3,150 households – including more than 4,500 children – who the council provides with temporary accommodation every night.
The report said: “This housing crisis is being addressed by building more homes, especially genuinely affordable homes for council rent.
“Delivery of the [HfL] programme has continued with the completion of 80 new homes, start of construction at Hydethorpe Road and Roman Rise, and Lambeth’s planning committee has approved four schemes taking the number of consented homes to 253 with a further 268 under consideration by the Local Planning Authority.”
Earlier this week, HfL was given the go-ahead for plans to build 141 new homes, including 63 affordable – 45 at council-level rent – at Denby Court.
To support the Council in addressing the climate emergency, HfL has been implementing its sustainability strategy, aimed at delivering reductions in carbon emissions.
The report added: “The company had committed to delivering a 35% reduction as a minimum, in line with planning policy.
“Within the achieved consents and delivery programme, HFL will achieve a reduction averaging 75% (Hydethorpe Road, Roman Rise, Fenwick Place, Patmos Lodge, Trinity Rise and Westbury phase 2 projects). This compares to Planning applications approved by Lambeth in 2021 which on average achieved a 43% reduction in carbon emissions.”