As a council, we want to do all we can to ensure that when we consult, we hear from every community in our diverse borough.
Online Lambeth List
We’re launching an online ‘Lambeth List’ to make sure all residents can be consulted and a diverse range of people are included. The ‘Lambeth List’ is a special email list of Lambeth residents who we are recruiting to ensure that we encompass all of the voices in our borough, especially those that may not always be heard.
How to register
You can register online via our information pages. Registration will only take a few minutes, and once registered, members of the list will be emailed once a month with a list (including hyperlinks) of all the consultations the council is running. Lambeth list members can then pick which surveys they would like to participate in. When people register they will be asked some basic demographic questions. This is to help us ensure that the ‘Lambeth list’ contains all the different voices in our borough.
New consultation drop-ins
In addition to launching the ‘Lambeth list,’ we are also launching monthly ‘Consultation drop-ins’ at the Town Hall. These drop-ins are to allow those who don’t have access to the internet to come and have their say on all of our consultations. These drop ins will be:
- The last Tuesday of every month from 6 to 7:30 pm
- Reception, the Town Hall, 1 Brixton Hill, Brixton, London SW2 1RW