Lambeth is one of only two pilot sites for a new approach to tackling health and mental wellbeing inequalities (the other is in Leeds).
The new approach adopted at the event includes the following actions:
- A new LGBT+ task and finish group will be established to focus on mental wellbeing, challenging stigma and improving the accessibility of services for LGBT+ communities in Lambeth.
- A new training scheme for local GPs and others in primary care locally will be set up to make sure services are as welcoming as they can possibly be to LGBT+ people. This will specifically involve training about trans and non-binary gender identities.
- A review of LGBT+ health inequalities amongst three core groups will also take place. These three groups are LGBT+ older people, LGBT+ people from BME communities and LGBT+ younger people. The task and finish group will seek out monitor and alleviate any inequalities found amongst these groups.
- The task and finish group will test the effectiveness of these elements over the next 12 months. All progress, learning, challenges and successes will be evaluated at another event in a year’s time.
Trans-friendly badges
An example of how the task and finish group could make a difference could be the introduction of a LGBT+ friendly badges for our GPs. I strong desire for this was showcased by attendees at the event. This would involve GPs, and other primary care professionals such as pharmacists, in Lambeth wearing a small badge which carried the trans and rainbow flags to make it clear they had been trained to understand fully the health inequalities that are often faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary residents.
If a badge scheme were to be introduced for GPs and those in primary care who had been through our new LGBT+ specific training then those professionals would be recognisable instantly as a welcoming face for LGBT+ communities to talk to and this could help tackle stigma and any fear that may hinder patient-GP relationships.
Thank you to all attendees
Councillor Jim Dickson, Chair of the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Board said:
“Lambeth Council was very proud to host this event and to have the rainbow flag flying over our newly refurbished Town Hall. The high level of engagement across the borough from a diverse group of people surpassed our expectations and will enable us to take this work forward and improve outcomes and experiences for our LGBT+ residents.”
For more information
For more information about our new approach to LGBT+ mental wellbeing and LGBT+ health inequalities please email: publichealthcommissioning@lambeth.gov.uk
*The LGBT letters within the acronym LGBT+ stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. The plus sign [+] is an all-inclusive symbol used to represent non-binary gender identities such as -but not limited to- asexual, non-binary, queer and questioning.