London Metropolitan University, in partnership with the London Borough of Lambeth, is carrying out new research to identify the needs of Lambeth’s LGBTQI+ communities, especially within the challenges currently posed by COVID-19 and its associated restrictions. Based on this new information, the research team, together with local partners, aim to work on solutions to address the needs of LGBTQI+ communities, and under-represented groups within these communities, across the borough.
Updated insight
Since 2005’s Sigma Study there has been only limited new information about the changing needs of the UK’s largest LGBTQI community. Lambeth Council has seen evidence over last year that some members of LGBTQI+ communities, especially Black, Asian and minority ethnic people, are badly impacted by coronavirus and associated lockdowns. This academic study aims to provide empirical data on these concerns – and be part of the growing work on the challenges posed by COVID-19 among the general population, as well as specific groups and communities.
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- Stage 1 of the project is a questionnaire online for 6 weeks only from March until early May
- Only after all the survey results are in, Photovoice workshops (an art-based method to create safe spaces for marginalised voices) will unpack in greater depth the perceptions and experience of the sizable Black, Asian and minority ethnic population within the LGBTQI+ community in Stage 2.
Research findings
- Initial research findings will be shared with stakeholders at Lambeth Council and partner charities working with LGBTQI+ and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people. There’ll be a workshop for discussion and co-production of recommendations and innovative solutions.
- A final report will be launched at a summer community event in Lambeth with an exhibition of photos and words from people who took part in the Photovoice workshops.
More information
- For more about the project visit the London Metropolitan University information pages, email Dr Daniella Shaw d.shaw2@londonmet.ac.uk or call 020 7133 5254.
- The project is funded by the Transformation Fund, and developed in partnership with Lambeth Council and local charities (Black Thrive, Black Out, Lambeth Links and Opening Doors London).