London in Bloom visited Lambeth in the heat of summer, looking at green spaces big and small, judging how the borough meets the changing needs of visitors and how those green spaces are looked after and improved. Overall, we won Silver-Gilt (one below Gold) as a borough, with three of Lambeth’s parks and gardens scoring five gold medals. No Lambeth site scored lower than silver-gilt in any category, including small conservation areas, cemeteries and churchyards.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth Council cabinet member for equalities and culture, said: “We’re delighted to see more and more local communities putting themselves forward for London in Bloom Awards – and doing so well. This recognition from London in Bloom reflects the commitment that the friends of the parks groups and community co-operatives – as well as our Parks staff – put into maintaining and improving their local environment in spaces like gardens, churchyards, and parks both big and small.”
Gold awards
- Brockwell Park was an outstanding three times Gold medal Winner, in the Large Park (above 25 Acres) and Heritage Park of the Year categories. The walled garden also won Gold.
- Kennington Park’s Flower Garden won gold for the second year running in the walled garden category.
- Clapham Common won a Gold ‘Common of the Year’ Award.
Maintaining success
Streatham Coimmon LNR was a first time entry and a SIlver-Gilt winner. Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens entered for the first time and won Silver Gilt, to go with their successful first entry in the Green Flag best parks awards earlier this year. Archbishop’s Park scored Silver-Gilt for the second time after first entering in 2018. All the Silver Gilt winners are listed below.
Community winners
Local people who take pride in their environment also independently entered London in Bloom 2019. Residents of Stockwell’s Spurgeon Estate reopened their pocket park in July after 20 years of being locked and neglected, and the group was defined as ‘Thriving’ by London in Bloom. Other ‘Thriving’ community gardening groups include the Friends of Gipsy Hill, Streatham Common Co-Op and Pearman Street Community Gardens. Brockwell Park’s Community Greenhouses and Eden Community Garden were judged ‘outstanding’.

Kennington Park Flower garden Gold London in Bloom award winner 2019
Silver Gilt medallists
- Cottington Community Garden
- Cottington Estate Community Beds
- Eardley Road Sidings Nature Reserve
- Streatham Common LNR
- Slade Gardens
- Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens
- Archbishop’s Park
- Myatt’s Fields Park
- Kennington Park
- John’s Church Gardens Waterloo
- For details of all the green and flowering spaces judged by London in Bloom 2019, contact the Parks and Green Spaces Team at Lambeth Council.
- Full details of how to enter your local community garden, park friends group, churchyard, cemetery, etc. for London in Bloom, along with entry fees and guidance on filling in the application form is in London in Bloom’s information pages.
- Find details of Lambeth’s 16 2019 Green Flag winners