Kamara’s experience as an apprentice
Kamara’s role is as an Administration and Digital Media apprentice which means she has the task of supporting the team with all their digital media needs as well as keeping a blog about YLC and also helping in and around the office with any admin work that needs to be done. She is also undertaking an Advanced Apprenticeship Level 3 Diploma in Creative and Digital Media and also a Level 3 Certificate in Creative and Digital Media at Ravensbourn College.
Kamara says: “I really wanted to try something new but integrate it with the experience and knowledge I already had working with young people. Doing creative and digital media for the Young Lambeth Cooperative really ‘Scratches that itch’ and has opened the door for a new career path.” Find out more from Kamara at younglambethcoop.co.uk
Why become an apprentice?
Based on Kamara’s experience: “Working with the YLC has really contributed to my confidence; I had been out of work for just over six months and started to feel down about myself. Working with the YLC has put a sense of purpose back into my life its definitely the kind of job I wanted. I’m a person that likes to have qualifications behind me as well as experience so this apprenticeship was definitely the right step for me.”
Kamara says “I really think apprenticeships are the way forward.. A lot of people do not have experience in particular jobs so they can’t move form one career to the next without taking time out to get training or qualifications for that job. But doing an apprenticeship gives you that chance to move to one career to the next and lets you train while on the job.”
Take action
There are apprenticeship opportunities in more than 170 industries. To find out more, visit www.apprenticeships.org.uk
Are you an apprentice and want to share your experience?
Do you employ an apprentice who deserves recognition?
Email us at communications@lambeth.gov.uk or leave a comment below.