There’s always something to do in Lambeth – from getting involved in your local area to annual festivals to volunteering opportunities within our many charities and community organisations.
On page 6 you’ll find information about our Street Champions project which gives support to residents who want to tackle issues such as litter, dog-fouling and dumped rubbish. You’ll meet a few of the people already signed-up and find out how to get involved in your local area.
It’s back! Lambeth Country Show takes place on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 July. On page 8 you’ll find out who is preforming at this year’s show and details of the changes that you asked for that we’ve made happen.
In our ‘From the community’ section, Young People Matter explains how they are nurturing the potential of our children as well as fostering a sense of social responsibility in the community.
On page 12, Councillor Matthew Bennett, Cabinet Member for Housing, talks about Lambeth Housing Management and the three themes that came out of the recent consultation. You will also find new contact details for the service now it has moved back into the council.
In our regular what’s on guide, pages 14 to 16, we have festivals, theatre, volunteering opportunities, outdoor cinema, concerts and more. If you’re aged 0-19 and wondering what to do during the summer holiday you’ll also find details of our summer activities and courses.
Download Lambeth talk July 2015
Have an idea for Lambeth talk?
If you have something you want to tell residents and local businesses about or if you know of someone, a project or organisation in the borough that you think would be great to feature in Lambeth talk let us know.
Email lambethtalk@lambeth.gov.uk or leave a comment below.