Novembers Lambeth talk brings you a special feature explaining our savings challenge, as well as an exciting mix of information from across the borough.
This month we have included a special four page feature on our budget – explaining the £90 million savings challenge the council faces, how it affects us all and what we can all do to make sure that the funding we have is spent where it is most needed.
Inside your regular Lambeth talk you’ll find an exciting mix of information. We bring you three different examples of how local people who are ‘Doing the Right Thing’ in Lambeth. You’ll hear from the Knollys Road Residents Association who are helping to keep Lambeth clean, green and flourishing (page 7). We introduce some more young people as part of the Lambeth Youth Mayor’s positive stories (page 8). And, you’ll get to know two of Lambeth’s awarding winning community champions – Edith Lewis a Lambeth Street Pastor and Joy of Sound who provide a musical escape for people with profound learning difficulties (page 12 and 13).
We also bring you news about Brixton’s future and the exciting developments taking place in this area. See page 10.
There are lots of interesting events taking place in Lambeth during November, not to mention our annual fireworks display which promises to be a showstopper. Don’t miss out, get your ticket today!
Download Lambeth’s £90m savings challenge Nov14
Download Lambeth talk NOVEMBER 2014
Have an idea for Lambeth Talk?
If you have something you want to tell residents and local businesses about or if you know of someone, a project or organisation in the borough that you think would be great to feature in Lambeth talk let us know.
Email lambethtalk@lambeth.gov.uk or leave a comment below.