The 2019 Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival includes pictures as well as words.
- Home to Home: Polish community portraits by Urszula Sołtys and Anna Dawid
Urszula Sołtys confronts Polish stereotypes and reveals Polish people in Britain, whose stories are a vital part of nation’s history. Anna Dawid presents portraits of the youngest generation reading in their mother tongue at Polish Rhyme Time session at Streatham Tate Library and highlighting the importance of bilingualism. 1 to 31 May (during opening hours) West Norwood Library
- Illustrated post-war Polish community life by Karolina Jonc–Buczek
Post-war Polish community life from South London is presented in an unique artistic way by local illustrator Karolina Jonc–Buczek, celebrating Polish Heritage 2019. 1 to 31 May (during opening hours) Lambeth Archives, Minet Library
- Harry Jacobs: Photographer to the Windrush Generation
Harry Jacobs was the photographer of choice for Caribbean families coming to Brixton from the 1950s. His portraits with their distinctive backdrops decorated thousands of South London mantelpieces. This exhibition documents the experiences of an entire generation.1-30 June, Weekdays 9am to 6pm Lambeth Town Hall.
- Greetings from Brixton: A photography Exhibition
Douglas Parker is an Ethiopian British documentary photographer who graduated from New
York Institute of Photography in London. Since 1980 he has been documenting Brixton street life and now has one of the largest image archives of Brixton. Douglas says: “The good street photographer is the one that loves humanity”. 15 to 30 June Brixton Library
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “Since the first Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival 15 years ago it has become a regular highlight in the calendar and goes from strength to strength. In 2019 we have another month of events to suit all tastes whether you enjoy reading, writing, discussion or simply sitting back and listening. This year’s highlights include award winning adult and children’s authors, locally produced drama, poetry to listen to and engage with and music with a literary leaning and more… Come and join us and express yourself! You’ll be amazed at the fun you can have in your local library.”
For more information
- The festival also includes readings, author meetings, readers groups, theatre, and music in Lambeth Libraries and events to celebrate Windrush Day and the generation who came to London with it.
- Contact your local library for a programme or download one, check the Council’s events calendar for daily listings or email Follow the festival on Facebook and Twitter.