Share your views as the parent or carer of a child or young person with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) via a new Lambeth/NHS survey.
Have your say about what you’d like to see done to improve the support provided in Lambeth to children and young people with SEND from birth up to age 25 – our online consultation ends on September 14.
Have your say on SEND services
Services for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families need to be of high quality. To improve the support provided to them in Lambeth, the Council and the Integrated Care Board (NHS) are collecting information and are interested in the experience of local SEND provision users.
This survey is collecting feedback about local SEND provision – education, health and social care – from parents, carers and families. Focus groups for young people with SEND are gathering first-hand information.
The survey gives you a chance to share your views about how things are working for you and your child/children with SEND. The information received will be used to help us to identify what needs to be improved in the lives of Lambeth children and young people with SEND.
Share your views
This is the first time Lambeth is running this survey. We plan to run it every year to keep the information on SEND young people updated.
If you have more than one child with SEND, and you want to give your views about each of them, you will need to complete a survey for each child.
After the consultation closes, an anonymised summary of the information will be published on the Lambeth SEND Local Offer page. No personal or individual details will be shared.
Share your views by completing the survey using the link below or contact us via email for more help.
- Fill in the survey online
- We also offer this survey in different formats:
- We can talk you through the questions over the phone and fill in the form for you with your answers.
- We can send a copy in your own language. Please email us at send@lambeth.gov.uk for a translated version, to complete the form by phone or for more information.
- If you want help to complete this survey you can ask a friend, family member, or someone else you trust to help you fill this in. Remember it is your views we want.
- The survey is fully anonymous, you do not need to give your name or contact details.
- Please help by sharing this survey with other SEND parents/carers to get their voices heard.
- Please have your say in the next two weeks. The survey closes on Thursday 14 September 2023 at 11.59pm