Statement: Lambeth Council condemns disorder in the borough

26 June 2020

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Lambeth Council has condemned the unacceptable attacks committed again police officers in the borough on Wednesday night and is backing police efforts to bring those responsible for justice.

Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety, said: “We condemn the events witnessed this week on the streets of Brixton, and the totally unacceptable attacks on police officers. There’s no place for behaviour of that nature in our community and we will support the police in efforts to bring those responsible for justice.

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Statement: Lambeth Council condemns disorder in the borough

“Residents on our estates deserve to be able to live safely and peacefully, without illegal and unlicensed events taking place on their doorstep.

“We are in the midst of an unprecedented public health crisis which has had a severe impact on all our communities. Public services are particularly stretched at this time, and the events of last night put further strain on those already exhausted public resources.

“We are asking our residents to continue the huge efforts they have put in through this crisis to protect the most vulnerable in our community and continue to maintain social distancing.

“Please spread the message to friends and family that they should not attended events such as those seen last night. They may seem a welcome distraction at this difficult time, especially for our young people, but as we have seen the end results are totally unacceptable.”

The Metropolitan Police have asked that anyone who knows who was responsible for the violence to get in touch. You can contact the Met by dialling 101 or by tweeting @MetCC on Twitter – alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously.