What is the Streatham Festival?
Now in its 13th year, Streatham Festival is an accessible four day arts festival celebrating local talent and venues, and showcasing an imaginative mix of top quality live music, spoken word, comedy performances and art. Most events are also FREE!
What’s on
- Streatham UnCommon FREE – on Saturday 12 July, Streatham Common will be transformed into fantastical streets of entertainments, activities and food.
- Streatham Strut FREE – for one night venues across SW16 will be alive to the latest sounds of jazz, rock, funk, blues and much more.
- ART23 FREE – throughout the festival the High Road will become an inside/outside art gallery.
Festival Shop and Hub – situated in The Mark Bennett Streatham Centre, Streatham library and open from 11am-5pm throughout the festival. Drop in and pick up a brochure, shop at the Made in Streatham stall, see the new installation “Pullman Court” by Lisa Castagner and the Bayeux of Streatham tapestry by the Women’s Institute.
There is also an array of daytime and evening events including sewing, printing and creative writing workshops, radio plays and poetry, and performances by Lucky Dog Picturehouse, Streatham Theatre Company and Sixteen Feet Productions. Even more events are listed on their website.
More Information
Please visit the Streatham Festival website for the latest news and what’s on guide.
Streatham Festival couldn’t happen without volunteers and there are plenty of ways you can get involved. For full details, including how to get in touch, please see the Streatham Festival get involved page.
Lambeth Volunteer Month
We’ve designated the whole of June as volunteering month here in Lambeth. There are many wonderful opportunities available throughout the borough in a wide range of groups and skills. We will be highlighting just some of these throughout the month.
If you would like to get more involved with your local community or are looking for volunteers please go to www.lambeth.gov.uk/DoTheRightThing or Twitter hashtag #volunteermonth