Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is abuse that is targeted at women or girls because of their gender. It affects women and girls disproportionately, but men and boys can be abused too.VAWG includes:
- domestic violence
- sexual violence
- forced marriage
- ‘honour-based’ violence
- prostitution
- trafficking for sexual exploitation
- female genital mutilation
Lambeth works in partnership with a number of local organisations providing support to people experiencing gender-based violence.
We want to refresh our Safer Lambeth Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, which was first launched in 2011 to provide a joined up response to those experiencing gender-based violence in all its forms.
If you have accessed Lambeth services, or if you are a professional who comes into contact with people experiencing VAWG, we would very much like to hear from you. The consultation ends on Thursday 14 April 2016 and we’ll use your feedback to update the strategy.
You can let us know your views by completing an online questionnaire. Paper copies of the questionnaire are also available on request using the contact details provided.
For more information
- If you need help or advice because you are currently experiencing gender-based violence, you can contact the Gaia centre in Lambeth on 020 7733 8724 or email lambethvawg@refuge.org.uk.
- To take part in the consultation visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/genderbasedviolence or call Freephone 0800 013 1497.
This is great. Thank you!
The courts need to recognise the impact of PTSD on victims of GBV and the impact it has on their ability to testify.
More visible advertising around Lambeth for support services. And a strong focus on letting survivors know that they will be believed and heard.
Education in schools about consent.
Support for the ‘he for she’ campaign.
Investment in mental illness services, especially for men
Hi Donna, thanks for your views.
Please feedback your comments to the consultation by completing the questionnaire at http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/consultations/consultation-on-the-safer-lambeth-violence-against-women-and-girls-strategy-2016