Have your say on our Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan Visit the Lambeth consultation webpage before midnight on 10 July to have your say on our plans for making the borough how to make the borough Age Friendly.
Have your say on planned developments in Lambeth Lambeth is running an 8-week consultation looking for your views on our plans to develop 13 sites.
Lambeth launches consultation into new Housing Strategy Lambeth residents are being invited to give their views on new council plans to transform the way housing and housing services are delivered in the borough.
Lambeth Council consults on fortnightly collections of non-recyclable waste to boost recycling rates Lambeth Council is consulting on proposals designed to boost recycling that would see non-recyclable waste collected every two weeks instead of every week
Art for autism – share your creativity Lambeth Council invites you to share your thoughts and feelings about autism and showcase your creativity about how autism impacts on people’s lives.
Have your say on a new NHS and Lambeth All-Age Autism Strategy Lambeth Council and South East London NHS want autistic people of all ages, carers and experts to have a say on what should go into a new long-term strategy...
Lambeth launches consultation on new ways to work with residents on estate renewal schemes Lambeth Council has unveiled its planned new framework for transparent and open consultation with residents of six housing estates, following a review of its efforts to build more affordable...
Lambeth Council announces latest low traffic neighbourhood consultations Lambeth Council is set to launch a consultation next month into two Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) schemes as part of our plans to create safer, healthier streets.