Accredited Living Wage Employers: Team Jump For Team Jump, paying the living wage is part of caring for their employees – and a natural match for their business of helping other companies become motivated sustainability...
Accredited Living Wage Employers: Esports Youth Club With the cost of consoles, WiFi and games excluding many young people from gaming, Esports Youth Club provide a free-to-use high-tech streaming studio at Pop Brixton – and know...
Lambeth demonstrates its ongoing commitment to the Living Wage The council is working with local businesses, charities and community leaders to make Lambeth a Living Wage Place.
Living Wage Action Plan – putting together an Action Group Lambeth invited local businesses, charities, community leaders, to form a Living Wage Action Group who will set a direction on how to get more employers signed up to paying...
Liberty Trust, Accredited Living Wage employer Liberty Trust are dedicated to creating a working culture in which everyone feels supported, motivated and empowered – and that includes being paid Living Wage.
Vauxhall One: Living Wage accredited employer Vauxhall One are helping make Vauxhall cleaner, greener and safer, and drawing visitors to explore its unique local heritage
KINDE entertainment and marketing agency: Living Wage Accredited Employer KINDE entertainment and marketing agency are Living Wage accredited because they believe it allows them to live their company value of fairness, win clients and attract the best talent.
Living Wage accredited employers – Craft Forward Creative arts and crafts not-for-profit business Craft Forward believe becoming an accredited Living Wage employer attracts conscious consumers and makes them feel like better employers.