Work has started on plans to improve Vauxhall Park for children, for nature, for disabled people, and for all users of the open space.
Paths, planting and play
Works are starting on site to enhance Vauxhall Park and its facilities. They include an upgraded path network, restoring heritage railings along South Lambeth Road (the Park is originally Victorian), updating the children’s play area, landscaping the dog area, refreshing the formal garden and new planting throughout.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “We’re investing in the Park to make sure it’s safe for everyone. The new playground will provide a high-quality play experience, with a wide range of equipment to ensure children of all ages can get healthy outdoor exercise and be offered challenges. The changes will improve accessibility for disabled people throughout the site. We’ll make the park more resident-friendly with new furniture like park benches. New planting will enhance the quality of life for residents and should help add to the biodiversity of local wildlife.”
Our contractor idverde expect to take approximately 22 weeks to complete all the works. We will keep local residents and park users updated with details.
Will any areas of the park be closed for works?
Temporary fencing will restrict access to clearly defined areas of the park during construction. However, access to and through the park will be maintained at all times. You may notice an increase in the number of vehicles entering the park from Lawn Lane, however, we will do our best to minimise the effects of these and any noise created during the works.
More information
- Site notice boards will provide regular updates on the works and progress.
- Please contact the contractors by email if you have any comments during the works:
- or call idverde’s Customer Care Line on 0800 917 6263 or London Borough of Lambeth on 020 7926 9000.
- To get involved with caring for the Park, contact the Friends of Vauxhall Park
- For more about Lambeth’s parks see the Council’s information pages
- 16 of Lambeth’s parks, cemeteries and open spaces won 2019 Green Flag Awards