We want your views on how we can make Lambeth a borough in which residents don’t have to fear, or experience, gender-based violence. Our online consultation went live on 2 March.
Services and support
We want to know what Lambeth residents, people affected by gender-based violence, and practitioners think are the most important elements to provide the best services and support in Lambeth. We’re looking for your thoughts on questions like:
- Have you ever experienced gender-based violence, such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking, forced marriage, so-called ‘Honour’-based violence or Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?
- Has it happened to a friend or someone in your family?
- Did you tell anyone and get help? Or, if you couldn’t, what were the barriers to you disclosing?
- Based on your experience, what could change about what support is available?
- Have you had any training at work on how to report, recognise or support someone who’s experienced gender violence?
- Do you know of people in Lambeth who are suffering gender-based violence, or at risk, who can’t get help?
Please share your views with us by completing the survey online. The consultation is open until 12 April and available in different community languages.
Future strategy
Your feedback will be used to create our next Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy. A strategy is a way for us to communicate our vision, approach and most importantly, our commitments, to our community. We want to ensure that our future work is accessible to every person affected by VAWG and that we incorporate the expertise of our residents and practitioners from the earliest stages of the strategy’s creation.
Please complete the survey
Hearing peoples’ views will help us to understand how well we are doing and what we can do to make our services better. Please help us by completing the survey and sending on the link to your colleagues and wider network.