International Day of the Girl, Wed 11 Oct 2023, is the launch date of the first-ever WOW (Women of the World) Girls Festival on London’s South Bank.
The Festival will include Speed Mentoring on the London Eye, and live talks and workshops, and the first outing of the WOW Girls Festival Tour Bus.
WOW Girls Festival will be a force to change how society both in the UK and overseas sees girls and non-binary people, their potential and the opportunities it offers for their future. Lambeth’s Elevate is sharing the themes of the Festival with supporting resources for schools in the borough.
WOW Speed Mentoring
Mentoring on the London Eye will be a unique experience offering 180 school students aged 13-19 from more than 30 schools – including seven Lambeth schools and community groups the chance to meet 180 highly influential and inspiring women and non-binary people including WOW Founder and CEO Jude Kelly from up above London. Lambeth staff have also volunteered to be Mentors on the day.
WOW Girls Festival Tour Bus
The WOW Girls Festival Bus is an interactive space created with and for young people, working with Getaway Girls in Leeds and artist/designer Emma Hardaker.
On the Bus, visitors can take part in a creative exploration of gender equity, through play, reading, digital experiences and a recording studio.
The WOW Bus will host more Speed Mentoring, panel talks and discussions, taking workshops and activities to all corners of the UK, reaching young people from all backgrounds in the heart of their own communities.
The Bus focuses on girls, but hosts activities designed to build resilience, wellbeing and good mental health for all young people. The Bus tour will include stops in Kent, Glasgow, North Wales, Liverpool, Norfolk, Belfast, Bradford and Manchester as well as visiting Brixton’s La Retraite and Jessop’s Primary Schools, and Windrush Square.
More information
- More about Elevate and Lambeth’s mission to open up the creative and cultural sector for all young people.
- More about the WOW Girls Festival:
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