What is happening?
In February 2017, we appointed architects Conran + Partners to develop proposals for the redevelopment of the Council owned site at 114 – 118 Lower Marsh. We want to hear what you think about our emerging proposals before we submit a planning application in summer 2017.

Artist’s impression of how proposals would look from Lower Marsh
What is proposed?
These proposals would provide:
– A flexible mixed-use development
– Retail at ground floor with office space above
– The retention of Granby Place as a public space
– The option to create a future link to Launcelot Street
Below you can see how these proposals would look from behind Lower Marsh from Granby Place.
Below gives you a side view of the proposals.
How can I find out more?
You can find out more by visiting the consultation page. We are also holding several events prior to submitting a planning application and will be on Lower Marsh outside 114 – 118 to hear your views on the following dates:
- Wednesday 12 July, 11am till 3pm.
- Saturday 15 July, 10am till 2pm.
- Monday 17 July, 1pm till 6pm.
Please do come and talk to us. You will be able to look at our proposals and ask any questions you may have.
You can respond to the consultation via the online survey, the consultation will run until Wednesday 21 July.