3Pillars Project took just a month to raise 132% of their community crowdfunder target to fund free mentoring and sports coaching sessions. It will also help pay rent on the sports facilities they use. Crowdfund Lambeth contributed £5,000.
Programme and people at risk
Cancelled summer fundraising events put the programme at risk, so reaching out to the community for help was the only way to keep the programme open for young people who need support when leaving prison, or those at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
Positive role models
3Pillars is a unique sports community of positive role models running gym sessions several times a week, providing free HIIT, strength and boxing at The Black Prince Trust. Prison leavers – we call them ‘apprentices’ – also get one-to-one mentoring, to help them overcome the challenges of being in the community, create new goals and undertake training and qualifications that help them to secure jobs. Our apprentices assist and support the coaching at free community sessions – their lived experience helps other young people.
The final total raised is £26,482, from an incredible 232 supporters. 3Pillars also more than met their stretch target so they can pay for an extra mentor. Pledge rewards – including a personal coaching session, England Rugby 7s socks, and an All Blacks shirt – will be delivered as soon as possible.
The power of sport
3Pillars’ CEO Mike Crofts said: “This is more than just funding for rent and extra sessions that are so crucial for our young men in this time. It’s a vote of confidence in our programme, our community, and in the power of sport to guide a transformation in people’s lives.”
More information
- 3Pillars is about building a safe community of positive role models through sport. Find out more.
- Crowdfund Lambeth is a platform to support community projects making our borough a unique place to live, work, learn and do business. The project must demonstrate strong local support shown a vibrant crowdfunding campaign. To be considered for match-funding from Lambeth Council, the project must contribute to one or more of the borough plan priorities:
- Sustainable growth: a growing economy that everyone benefits from.
- Resilient communities: communities that are thriving and connected.
- Promote care and independence: people have support to live well and independently.
- Place: Make Lambeth a place people want to live, work and invest.
If you have a project or initiative and want to find if you’re eligible for match-funding, find more at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/funds/lambeth