Sleeping out to support the homeless: Lambeth staff sign up for a night under the stars Lambeth Council has pledged to do even more to help the homeless this winter, by taking part in a sponsored sleep out in Trafalgar Square next month.
New exhibition: My heart will always be in Brixton An artistic, developing response to the activism of Olive Morris - Linett Kamala is currently in residence at Lambeth Town Hall until 20 December 2019.
Remembrance Services to be held across Lambeth Public Remembrance Services and Wreath Laying Ceremonies will take place across Lambeth on Sunday, 10 November as part of commemorations of all of those who have died in war...
Council appeal on nursery funding Lambeth councillors are calling on the Government to provide more funding for the borough’s five local authority nursery schools, which transform the lives of children in our most deprived...
Lambeth prepares for Brexit and safeguarding its EU residents Lambeth Council is working with its communities and partners on preparing for Brexit, including planning for the likely negative impacts of a scenario where the UK leaves the European...
Lambeth Extends Street Gaming and Street Gambling PSPO Until October 2022 Lambeth Council has extended its Street Gaming and Street Gambling Public Space Protection Order until October 2022, following unanimous support from people who live, work in and visit the...
New reporting tool allows women to report intimidation and harassment outside Lambeth’s abortion clinics Women attending Lambeth’s abortion clinics will be able to report any incidents immediately, with the help of an electronic tool developed by council officers. The council this week introduced a...
Lambeth Children’s Homes Redress Scheme set for two-year extension Lambeth Council’s Cabinet is next week set to consider extending the Lambeth Children’s Homes Redress Scheme for an extra two years. The scheme, which is expected to cost the...