All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth sets out proposals for council rents and reduced heating and hot water bills Lambeth’s cabinet is to discuss proposals for setting the level of council housing rent for the coming year.
Consultation on further emissions-based charges for kerbside parking permits The new proposals aim to ensure that drivers of vehicles that produce toxic carbon dioxide emissions will pay more to park across Lambeth
Cold weather support activated Lambeth activates Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) for rough sleepers as temperatures drop.
Lambeth’s art boosts business connections Lambeth Council’s commitment to cultural diversity and community engagement reaches a significant milestone with the unveiling of the South Lambeth Road mural celebrating local Portuguese-speaking communities.
Make the New Year your stop smoking time A new national stop smoking campaign will launch on Wednesday 27 December 2023 building on this year’s Stoptober campaign to encourage and support smokers to quit this New Year,...
Christmas and New Year information You can find help and information on Lambeth services online while we closed for the Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New year's Day Bank Holidays
Treasures of Lambeth Archives: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens For almost 200 years, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens inspired visitors, writers, and lovers. Lambeth Archives’ collection records its story in sheet music, advertising flyers and more.
Finalists for Lambeth Civic Awards 2024 announced Lambeth Council asked residents to nominate their local heroes for the Civic Awards. The candidates have been shortlisted and winners will be announced in February 2024.