Charity Parks for London report yearly on the different ways London boroughs work to offer the best parks and green spaces. This year, they focused on climate crisis. “Strategically addressing the impact of climate change inevitably means resourcing our parks, green and blue spaces in their critical role to protect people and nature,” says Good Parks Judy Ling Wong, CBE
Lambeth’s parks were rated as second overall among all of London’s 32 boroughs. Parks for London checks 10 aspects of what every borough is doing and features outstanding examples:
- Public awards, for example Green Flags – this year, Lambeth has 19 award-winning green spaces, more than ever.
- Collaboration with other boroughs
- Community partnerships
- Events for all ages and abilities
- Health, fitness and well-being
- Public satisfaction
- Skills development
- Strategic planning
- Supporting nature
- Sustainability
Community stakeholders
Alongside stories about creating wildlife discovery centres, creating jobs, hosting music festivals and health and wellbeing, Lambeth is highlighted for community and stakeholder involvement.
Word from the Cabinet
Councillor Sonia Winifred, Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “We are proud of the massive contribution the community makes to the management and improvement of Lambeth’s parks and open spaces. Their support is vital to our ambitious plans to improve our parks and deliver what people want; this is borne out by our recent resident survey where 47% of respondents said the best thing about Lambeth was its parks and open spaces.”
Good Parks
The Good Parks Report 2021 explains: “Community and stakeholder involvement in Lambeth underpins the Council’s work – carrying out works, fundraising, or acting as a critical friend.
“Dr Ann Kingsbury, Chair of the Lambeth Parks Forum said, ‘We really value the open working relationship we have with Lambeth Council and their officers—we all have the joint aim of improving Lambeth’s parks and open spaces.”
“The Council has four active Partnership Boards. These bring together councillors, officers, park stakeholder groups, and those from the community including schools, tenant and resident associations, local groups such as youth organisations and sports providers.
“Without this support Lambeth would not have seen a steady increase in its Green Flag and London in Bloom awards—a trend they are keen to continue. Not wanting to rest on their laurels, Lambeth aims to create a tree warden scheme. It is hoped that parks stakeholders will play a key role over the coming years.”