We have arranged a Health and Wellbeing Forum, on Thursday 16 June, to bring together statutory, voluntary and community sector organisations working in Lambeth. The agenda for the day will focus on developing the sector, and agreeing what support is needed. All voluntary and community groups across Lambeth are invited to come to attend and take part.
Developing the VCS (voluntary and community sector)
At the February Health and Wellbeing Forum, around 100 people came together to discuss a range of issues that affect the voluntary and community sector in Lambeth, and how groups can contribute to changes in health and social care. We have used feedback from that session to develop the agenda for June’s Forum.
Agenda for the June Forum
Speakers will include:
- Councillor Jim Dickson giving an update since the February Forum
- Adrian McLachlan, Chair of Lambeth CCG, talking about developments including Local Care Networks, Our Healthier South East London, and Healthy London
- Gordon McCullough from Community Southwark, on the VCS in Southwark
Workshops will give an opportunity to discuss what is needed to support the VCS in Lambeth, in relation to developments across health and wellbeing. Some areas suggested to date include:
- Developing small groups: increasingly, local groups are involved in a range pf preventative work, helping people maintain their independence, and we need to consider how to develop and strengthen these groups
- Representation: how the voluntary sector can be represented on different boards and working groups
- Recruiting volunteers and trustees: the VCS can only operate with great contribution from local people, and this will give a chance to share ideas and discuss how to encourage more people to get involved
- Commissioning: changes in commissioning mean more need for collaboration across the VCS, and for clarity about what services are being commissioned
- Training and development: groups have identified support needed in order to meet the changes and challenges across health and social care
- And much more …
When and where
Health and Wellbeing Forum – for the voluntary and community sector in Lambeth
Date: Thursday 16 June
Time: 10am till 12.30pm
Where: Lambeth College, Clapham Centre, 45 Clapham Common South Side, SW4 9BL
How to book your free place
To book your free place at the next Health and Wellbeing Forum you can either:
- Email your confirmation of attendance to Health&WellbeingBoard@lambeth.gov.uk
- book on EventBrite
- phone us on 020 7926 6397
- or tweet to us @HWB_Lambeth on Twitter
If you have any specific communications or access requirements, please do let us know in advance.
Does anyone know of any arts and health training in Lambeth?
Many thanks
Hi Vivien,
Someone from the Health and Wellbeing Board will contact you with more information.