Support for over 50s jobseekers
The over 50s are the highest proportion (by age) of out-of-work benefit claimants. In Lambeth and Wandsworth over 2,800 over 50s are unemployed and looking for work. Almost half have been out of work longer than 12 months. Funded by the Battersea Power Station Foundation, this new support scheme is available entirely free to any Lambeth or Wandsworth resident who is over 50 and currently unemployed.
Tailored support
High Trees recognise that job seekers over 50 are not a homogenous group and will have a diverse range of experiences and needs – the programme will work with each jobseeker to create a programme that is right for them. Residents will receive tailored one-on-one support. This can include CV advice, career coaching, skills development, interview preparation, job matching and in work support.
Support for those in low paid work or on zero hours contracts
High Trees will also run a programme of employment support for those earning less than London Living Wage (£9.75 per hour) or on insecure or zero hours contracts – this programme, run in partnership with the Walcot Foundation and Trust for London – has seen some fantastic outcomes over the past year with users switching careers, finding more secure employment and securing decent well paid work allowing them to step out of in-work poverty.
More training courses
High Trees also run functional skills courses including:
- IT
- courses for people who speak English as a second language (free for Lambeth residents on a low income)
- accredited courses for those interested in a career in Adult Education or Housing (free for Lambeth Housing tenants)
- an affordable accredited course for currently employed people wishing to change or improve their career within Information, Advice and Guidance. These courses start from September and run throughout the autumn term.
Contact High Trees
To find out if these programmes will be right for you:
- email High Trees
- phone 0208 671 31 32
- drop in to 220 High Trees, London, SW2 2NS
- visit our website