On Friday 17 July Lambeth Adult Learning held its first ever online conference and awards ceremony. Over 80 learners, volunteers and staff joined in online to listen to a review of the year and to hear about the achievements of outstanding learners and staff who have really made a difference.
Amazing changes
Head of Lambeth Adult Learning Lesley Robinson looked back to last October when Lambeth Adult Learning was one of the first organisations in the country to undergo a new-style Ofsted inspection, managing to retain its Good grading. She also reflected on the amazing changes that have taken place to respond to the Covid-19 crisis, saying, “We quickly moved all courses online, provided a wide range of support for learners and staff, delivered materials to learners at home, and updated the newsletter and website to keep everyone involved and learning.
15 different learning providers
Lesley also talked about the expansion of adult learning in Lambeth to include 15 different learning providers, offering a vast range of courses from English, maths, IT and vocational courses to media, arts, crafts and enterprise.
Support for new IT users
She praised staff for responding positively to the current situation, saying, “It was wonderful to see learners without access to computers having tablets delivered, the launch of an Online Champions programme to support learners with low digital skills, and a new package of support which will help Lambeth residents recently made redundant”.
The event culminated with the annual awards celebration. Staff awards went to Beata Williamson and Richard Mason from Morley College in the Community, and Sa-Ra Zwarteveen from Iconic Steps. The Outstanding Group Award went to the VIP Singers, a visually impaired singing group from Morley College, and the Outstanding Individual Learner Award went to Noel Allen from High Trees. Lesley Robinson said, “Their stories are an inspiration and a tribute to what can be achieved with Lambeth Adult Learning”.
More information
- For a guide to Lambeth Adult Learning see the council’s information pages
- Contact Lambeth Adult Learning by email adultlearning@lambeth.gov.uk.
- Follow Morley College, Iconic Steps and High Trees Community Development Trust on Facebook and Twitter @morleycollege, @Iconic_Steps, @HighTreesCDT