Alcohol Awareness Week is 15 – 21 November and we are encouraging Lambeth residents to start thinking and talking about their own or a loved one’s drinking.
Millions in the UK every day
The harm caused by alcohol affects millions of people across the UK every day – individuals, families, communities, and wider society and it increases the risk of many serious health conditions including cancer, mental health problems and liver disease. The coronavirus pandemic created conditions for more people to drink more heavily and more often than usual, leaving many people struggling to cope and at risk of serious alcohol harm. ONS figures show a 20% increase in alcohol-specific deaths in 2020 (compared with 2019) and a 58.6% increase in people reporting drinking at increasing or higher-risk levels. By making changes to our drinking, we can reduce that risk.
Take the drink coach test
During alcohol awareness week we are encouraging anyone in Lambeth to take the Drink Coach Alcohol Test to assess how risky their drinking might be. It’s free, quick and confidential and will signpost to local services for advice and support.
Visit the Health & Wellbeing Bus!
We will also be teaming up with the Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Bus on Monday 15 November in Streatham from 10am to 4pm with our Lambeth alcohol treatment providers to offer advice and support about alcohol use.
Alcohol and young people
DASH (our alcohol treatment service for people aged 13 – 21) will expand their offer during Alcohol Awareness Week and for the rest of this month, placing particular attention on educating young people on the ways in which alcohol can affect relationships and safety. A further focus will be given to sexual consent and how this can be affected when one or both partners are under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol and relationships focused universal interventions will be offered to secondary schools, youth clubs and organisations to educate and foster young peoples’ awareness on the content highlighted above. If interested, please contact Valentina Castellana or call 0791 746 0749.
Where can you go for help and support in Lambeth?
- For alcohol advice and support in Lambeth, call 0203 228 1500 or visit http://www.lambeth-drug-alcohol.co.uk/
- If you are 21 years old or under, visit DASH: https://www.brook.org.uk/regions/dash-lambeth/
- For more information see Lambeth’s website