A blueprint setting out the work programme of Homes for Lambeth over the coming 12-months proposes it will continue working on four key schemes building more than 100 homes by the end of next year.
The council will take over housing delivery after that time, creating almost 150 new homes, including 109 at social rents over the next 24-months.
A review of Lambeth’s housing programmes, carried out by independent peer Lord Kerslake last year, recommended that HfL should be brought back ‘in-house’. The latest HfL business plan, to be discussed by Lambeth’s Cabinet on 27 March, lays out what the council is doing during the transition period.
Ahead of the meeting Cllr Danny Adilypour, Lambeth’s Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Growth and New Homes, said: “We listened to Lord Kerslake’ s findings and we fully accepted the need to take action to ensure we could build new homes at the level Lambeth so desperately needs.
“We have moved fast to start resetting the way we work with our residents, to show we are listening to them and that we can work together to deliver the improvements some of our estates need. This report shows we are also making good on our pledge to bring HfL in-house and to speed up the delivery of affordable housing across our borough.
“But it also makes clear we are not delaying work on the programmes that are already underway: we are totally committed to these schemes and the scores of new homes that they will bring for the people of Lambeth.”
The new business plan also sets out how HfL will support the council during the development of a new Estate Renewal Resident Engagement Framework. The framework is currently out to public consultation as part of the council’s work to improve engagement on six estates across the borough that are earmarked for improvements, or currently undergoing redevelopment work.