Lambeth Libraries are hosting a February-long programme for LGBT+ history month, with writers, readings, art and events giving everyone the power to understand and challenge discrimination and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
Historical records
On February 20, events include ‘Our Story – Towards a history of Lambeth’s LGBT+ community’ – archivist Jon Newman’s introduction to what LGBT+ historical records Lambeth Archives holds. These come from personal donations over the years: press cuttings, Gay Liberation Front (GLF) election literature, flyers for club nights, programmes for theatre like Gay Sweat Shop at Oval House and 1980s material about hate crime and more. The talk takes place in Lambeth Town Hall at 7pm on February 20, no need to book.
People’s history
But as a historical record, our collection is sadly far from complete. We want this event to kick-start your ideas about how Lambeth Archives working with Lambeth Council LGBT+ Staff Forum and LGBT+ residents and local organisations can build a more inclusive LGBT+ ‘people’s history’ of Lambeth. Did you grow up here? Did you move to Lambeth to feel like part of London’ biggest LGBT+ community? To work, or go clubbing?? Did you march for Pride? For equal marriage? For Section28? Have you got the T-shirt? (And can we borrow it?).
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “Lambeth’s LGBT+ History Month explores the contribution LGBT+ people have made to all our lives. We are proud of our LGBT history in Lambeth and support this initiative to ensure its legacy. We’d love to see the community join us and be part of this initiative to reflect the vibrancy of Lambeth now and into the future.”
Collect , curate, create
We want to spend 2020:
- Collecting memorabilia and memories
- Recording individual stories
- Turning our new collection into an exhibition for LGBT+ history month 2021
- Creating the big picture to share with a museum for future research.
But it can’t be just a museum piece – we want, a living, breathing sound archive that future generations will add to. We want your voices captured so anyone can listen and learn from each other.
Join in
So much LGBT+ history happened (and still is happening) in Lambeth. Bring ideas, let us know if you’ve got something to put into the collection – photos, flyers, badges, books, clubbing outfits, press cuttings, marriage licences … anything! Or come to learn about what we’ve got, what we need and what we plan. Talk to us on the night. Or if you can’t come, email us to say you’re interested in adding your voice to the permanent record. Your history is Lambeth’s history.
For more information
- Join us for ‘Our Voices’ Our Story – Towards a history of Lambeth’s LGBT+ community’ on February 20 at 7pm at Lambeth Town Hall
- If you want to be part of Our Story, email LGBTplus@lambeth.gov.uk
- For details of all LGBT+ history month events, times, places, booking details etc collect a guide from your local library, see the Council’s Events calendar, or Download the brochure