Lambeth Sustainable Travel Team is hosting a wide range of cycling elements at this year’s Lambeth Country Show.
Find our Cycle Zone next to the cycle parking by the Herne Hill entrance.
Floral Ride – decorate your bike and yourself with flowers and ride from the north or the south of the borough to the show this year. Prizes for the best!
Dr Bike – A special biker’s valet service will be available to cyclists who ride to the event and enter via the Herne Hill entrance, look for the red Cycle Confident marquee.
Bike Marking – Our friendly Safer Transport Team will join us to security mark bikes and add them to the BikeRegister.
Lambeth Bike Market – Sell your old bikes and pick up a quality assured second hand bike for a reasonable cost.
HGV Awareness – Jump up into the cab of our Veolia lorry to check out blind spots and have a chat with the driver about how we can safely road share.
Sustainable Travel Stall – come and have a chat to us about some of our projects Try Before You Bike, free cycle training and pedal some music!
Cycling to the Lambeth Country Show?
There will be three convenient cycle parking areas this year, each holding between 200-250 bikes each.
They will be located at:
- Herne Hill Station park entrance
- Brixton Water Lane park entrance
- Norwood Road park entrance (opposite Rosendale Road)