Everyone who applied online before the deadline of 31 October last year will receive the official outcome of their child’s Common Application Form (CAF) electronically, from the “eAdmissions” service, after 5pm on 1 March. Outcome letters will be posted first class on 1 March to those who applied on time using a paper CAF.
Applications from those families who applied after the 31 October deadline will be processed after 1 March, and an outcome letter sent in due course afterwards. There are no set timescales for outcome letters to be sent.
Last year, for the fifth year running, every child in Lambeth whose application was on time received an offer of a secondary school place. Almost 80 per cent of Lambeth parents and carers who applied to a secondary school in the borough have been offered a place at their first or second choice school. Offers were made to 2,639 applicants, and the proportion of applicants made online rose from 50.8 per cent in 2013 to 95% by the deadline in October 2016.
Overall, 1,635 children (62.0 per cent) were offered a place at their first-preference school last year, and 428 children (16.2 per cent) were offered their second preference.
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