Festival time
Lambeth Country Show, London’s best and biggest free family festival is coming back to Brockwell Park on 20-21 July with a fantastic line-up. The Readers and Writers festival in Lambeth Libraries is a source of inspiration for all with books, poems, music and theatre. And on Windrush Day on 22 June we honour the British Caribbean community with a series of events.
There is no planet B
Lambeth was the first London borough to declare a climate emergency and to bring our target for becoming carbon neutral forward by 20 years to 2030. Cllr Claire Holland explains why this ambitious and challenging target was a necessary step to protect the planet.
Meet the new Mayor
Lambeth Council elected the borough’s first Mayor of Kurdish heritage. Meet Cllr Ibrahim Dogus.
Better Brixton
Brixton Liveable Neigbourhood. We need your help to make the Brixton area a healthier place, with a thriving town centre, less traffic, cleaner air, more space for people and great for walking and cycling. Find out more.
Your health matters
Stay healthy in the sun. Get checked during Diabetes Week (10-16 June). Did you know that the Sanctuary, a calming and peaceful space for people experiencing mental health crisis, has extended its opening hours and is now open on evenings?
Musitrax Festival
Fifteen Lambeth schools performing together after only a school year of learning! An amazing programme that is delivered to 3,500 Lambeth school children every week from reception to year 6. 18-19 June at the Royal Festival Hall.
The Music of Bond
Win tickets for ‘The Music of Bond’ concert at the Royal Festival Hall. Check page 22 for details and enter our competition until Monday 1 July.