Lambeth GP Food Co-op’s gardens in GP surgeries and NHS hospitals are safe, secure and supported spaces where people learn to grow food, giving them a reason to socialise, learn, about healthy food and improve their health and wellbeing.
Seeds in care packages
But when gardening in surgeries and hospitals went on hold, they created another way for people to be actively involved in home growing for food – working in partnership with Brixton People’s Kitchen to provide seed growing kits to many vulnerable people in the borough. The seeds are included alongside the food in the hundreds of care packages of food that volunteers are sending out daily from Lambeth’s distribution hub in Brixton.
Grow, harvest and serve
The Seeds for Life packs include not just seeds like lettuce or cress that can be grown on a windowsill, but growing instructions and a recipe (printed by Lambeth Council) for people to try out at home. Many of the people getting food packs are among Lambeth’s most vulnerable, living with long term health conditions. The seed packs are expected to reach from 4,000 to 6,000 people.
For more information
- Seeds for Life has successfully campaigned via CrowdFunder UK for support to provide more kits to vulnerable people in Lambeth.
- The Seeds for Life project is supported by the generosity of Sutton Seeds, Franchi Seeds, Flavour Fresh for sourcing seeds and volunteers putting the seed packs together as well as those distributing them
- For more about the Lambeth GP Food Co-op see their information pages or follow them on Twitter @gpfoodcoop