Join thousands on No Smoking Day, Wednesday 10 March, to make it your time to quit.
Beating stress without smoking
If you’ve been stressed and anxious about the impact of the pandemic on your life, it can make quitting smoking especially hard. But there’s a free guide on ways to quit smoking and stay calm in the process. And longer-term, people who quit smoking have less anxiety, depression and stress, plus better mood.
Short and long-term benefits
To help you stay motivated along the way it’s important to remember that quitting has so many short- and long-term benefits – as well as mental wellbeing, your physical health will improve, you’ll save money, and you’ll be protecting those you love from secondhand smoke.
Get support to increase your chances
There are lots of different tools and resources able to help you. Talking to a stop smoking adviser may help you decide what will work best for you and keep you motivated. In Lambeth you can get one-to-one support and medication from local community pharmacy or specialist services. This is currently via telephone, complying with national guidelines on social distancing and safe practice. You can still ask
You can access our local stop smoking services provided by community pharmacy or the specialist stop smoking service. You will be given free one to one support and either Varenicline (Champix) medication or NRT to help you quit.
- Tel 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791
- email gst-tr.stopsmokinglambeth@nhs.net
- visit lambeth.gov.uk/adult-social-care-and-health/your-health/stop-smoking
More information
Find out about more tools and resources available free on the Stop Smoking London website. This includes:
- Stop Smoking London’s latest how-to guide with some of the top reasons Londoners quit to help keep up your motivation to quit smoking.
- A free guide on staying calm while you quit.
- Stop Smoking London is a London-wide Public Health Programme. London Smoking Cessation Transformation Programme (LSCTP)’s vision is to support London to become England’s first smoke-free city by 2029.
- Would you like to be part of the Stop Smoking London vape pilot?
Smokers living in Lambeth can get a free vape kit along with phone support to help them quit. Find out more by calling 0300 123 1044 or arrange a call-back request here: www.stopsmokinglondon.com/callback