Work has started on the £800,000 project to replace the old playground and provide a new area for families to enjoy with play equipment for children from toddler age to pre-teens.
The playground should be complete by December and has been funded by Lambeth Council, following work with local ward councillors, The Streatham Common Cooperative (SCCoop) and the Friends of Streatham Common.
‘Fantastic news’
Richard Payne, from SCCoop, said: “This is fantastic news and will bring the play facilities on Streatham Common up to modern standards, upgrade some old derelict facilities, as well provide equipment for a wider age range of children.
“SCCoop, the Friends of Streatham Common and local parents have been working with Lambeth on this for years, and are really pleased that Lambeth has now delivered to create another great reason to visit Streatham Common for years to come.”
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities & Culture, said: “This is wonderful news for children and young families in Streatham. The new playground will be a real asset and I’m sure many happy hours will be spent enjoying the new equipment, in what is one of Lambeth’s best parks.
“Streatham is already becoming known as a great place to live and this new facility will only add to that growing reputation.”
Modern wooden play equipment
The old metal equipment is being removed from the play area adjacent to Streatham High Road and replaced with modern wooden play equipment. New hard and soft landscaping is being introduced to enhance the view, creating paths for easy access and contoured mounds to bring interest to the landscape.
New trees and planting will also be introduced to create the feel of a green and more natural surrounding for the playground.
Toilet facilities will be upgraded and a refreshment kiosk will also be added to the depot building alongside the playground.
Check out how the new playground will look with the Streatham Playground Plan
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