Talking Age-Friendly communication and skills in Lambeth Age Friendly Lambeth is part of a worldwide movement to raise the voice of older residents and the importance of ageing well.
Lambeth invites over-50s to second free Ageing Well Festival The Kia Oval hosts Lambeth’s second free Ageing Well festival with information and advice stalls, activities, food and entertainment for residents aged 50 and older.
Have your say on our Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan Visit the Lambeth consultation webpage before midnight on 10 July to have your say on our plans for making the borough how to make the borough Age Friendly.
Age Friendly Forum speaks up for Lambeth’s future Lambeth’s first Age-Friendly Forum learned from the wealth of experience of living in Lambeth in the room and identified inclusivity, diversity, respect, collaboration and fun as priorities for future...
Lambeth over-50s celebrate ageing well Lambeth plans to become a lifelong borough – creating the best conditions to grow up and age well. Ageing Well Festival set out some of the aims.