All posts in Consultations Below, you can find out more about our latest consultations and how to get involved.
Lambeth’s healthy weight services are changing In partnership with the Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group, we have developed proposals to change healthy weight services in the borough.
Changes to sexual health service’s Lambeth pharmacies provide Have your say on sexual health services currently being provided by Lambeth pharmacies
Have your say on Milkwood Community Park Plans Milkwood Community Park was created by the community, for the community, and Lambeth Council and the Friends of the park are consulting with the community about making changes.
New Beginning Open Day Open Day on July 1 is your chance to learn about the plans for West Norwood Cemetery’s future before our final bid for Lottery funding.
Are you a carer for an adult in Lambeth? Come and experience Service Design for Adult Social Care Lambeth Adult Social Care and the London College of Communication are collaborating on Service design - looking at Adult Care Services from the point of view of service users...
Improving grounds at West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre We want to improve the area surrounding West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre and we want you to have your say.
Making your neighbourhood a better place to live We want your ideas on how to improve streets in the Gipsy Hill, Knights Hill and Thurlow Park wards, have your say now!